

System Link Cloud

On May 17, David Thomson presented on the new System Link Cloud tools from National Instruments. This power point (16MB) describes the various tools and steps needed to create a WebVI and host it in the cloud.

This presentation describes how to address multiple channels with DAQmx, including the little-known Channel Expansion feature.

Window Tools for LV

This is a collection of very simple demonstration VIs (LabVIEW 2015, 265KB) that can help your LabVIEW program interact with the Windows operating system. The content of these VI's was not created by Original Code Consulting, only consolidated into a aggregate package. A Powerpoint presentation is included that was used to present these VI's during the March, 2016 ALARM meeting in Golden, Colorado.

Error Event Trapping

This example program (LabVIEW 2014, 556KB) shows how to use hidden features of LabVIEW to trap errors that are not wired in your diagram and report them however you wish. A Powerpoint presentation is included that was used to present these VI's during the March, 2016 ALARM meeting in Golden, Colorado.

Circular Buffer

This set of VIs (LabVIEW 2010, 82KB) demonstrate a simple circular buffer similar to ones we have used in numerous applications. This buffer is built on a functional global. The use case is for a data acquisition and control program with multiple independent tasks. One task acquires data, usually at 1 Hz, and stores it in the buffer. Other tasks access the buffer to pull out a history of one channel for a time-series graph, a record of all channels to see the most recent set of data, or a single point from any specific channel to use in control or display. This example was presented at the December 9, 2010 ALARM meeting as an introduction to a larger discussion of Circular Buffers presented by Steve Solga.

Queue Performance

This is the PowerPoint for a presentation David made at the May 20, 2010 ALARM meeting. In this presentation, he shows the results of some benchmarking he did on an application he was optimizing. The app requires that 8MB of data be moved as efficiently as possible 5 times a second between two loops. Several transfer mechanisms were tested, with some interesting results...

Log File Component

On October 19, 2006, David gave a presentation (PowerPoint, 78KB) at the ALARM (Advanced LabVIEW Architects of the Rocky Mountains) user group meeting on an example of LabVIEW Component Oriented Design. This design methodology is documented by Conway and Watts in A Software Engineering Approach to LabVIEW, and involves using components or objects to create robust, reusable, modular code in LabVIEW. The example component David presented is a group of VI's that implement a error/event log file in a modular fashion, so that it can quickly be incorporated in almost any program.

Configuration Files

For LabVIEW User Groups in Colorado Springs, Boulder, and Fort Collins, Colorado, David made a presentation in November, 2002 on several methods for writing configuration information to disk. The configuration handling methods included saving the information as front panel defaults, saving configuration clusters to binary files, and saving the configuration information in text (.ini) files. The PowerPoint presentation (188 KB) is available here. 


David made a short presentation to the Boulder LabVIEW User Group on July 12, 2001 on Using DataSockets in LabVIEW (130 KB). The zipped file available here contains a Word document that covers most of the presentation as well as the example VI's used during the presentation. This presentation introduces the DataSockets Server and the DataSockets Server Manager, then demonstrates the two mechanisms for sending data over a network with DataSockets from within LabVIEW. It also discusses and demonstrates some known bugs that you should watch out for when using DataSockets in LabVIEW.

Serial Communication

On April 17, 2001, David presented a talk on Serial Port Interfacing in LabVIEW at Seagate in Longmont, Colorado.

PALMS Mass Spec.

Several years ago, David gave a presentation to the Boulder LabVIEW User Group Meeting on the architecture we developed at the NOAA Aeronomy Lab to control the Particle Analysis by Laser Mass Spectrometry instrument. Much of this discussion was later presented as a poster at NIWeek in 1998. The poster was a runner up in the R & D category and David presented a talk at NIWeek 98 on it. After that, David published a slightly revised version as a paper in Scientific Computing. Both the NI presentation and the Scientific Computing article are available on the Publications page.